
I just got home. Today is a long and tiring day.

I started the day by becoming a master of ceremony in a big family reunion. That was not my first time. I've became MC for many times but truly the 'today's job' is different. Because I had it along with my old phobia. A rich-people phobia.

I grew up in a big family of my grandparents. My granddad has eleven children and standard life condition. He was a teacher at his time and also a preacher. Just an ordinary man. But my grandma, she was a different story.

My grandma came from a noble and rich family. But since she married my granddad, so she became the poorest of them all. Since I was a kid, I watched many rich people came to our house, and slowly but sure I started to hate them.

Perhaps the hatred feeling is not good. They deserve better. But I had many experiences with those wealthy men, and they were not happy experiences. I often being underestimated because we are totally up side down.

But then time goes by and I grew older. And probably wiser.

And today, I won the battle against my hatred and I have my job done.

Like I said, people wanted to be understand, not be judged.

1 komentar:

  1. Aku juga pernah ngalamin gitu, tapi ngga sampe berkelanjutan. Tapi ngga sampe fobia juga. Yang pernah aku alamin itu kaya semacam 'adu kekayaan', dimana sepupu-sepupu aku masing-masing ceritain pengalaman mereka (simpel aja, banding2in Handphone). Tapi beberapa diantara mereka ada yang ngga terlalu peduli, akhirnya aku juga ga peduliin masalah itu lagi (what for? pada akhirnya kalo udah rusak apa lagi yagn harus dibanggakan?). Aku juga kadang sirik ngeliat mereka-mereka yang punya Handphone lebih bagus dari aku (ato apalah yang looks blink-blink), tapi itu ngga bertahan lama, karena pada akhirnya apa yang mereka punya sekarang ternyata udah ketinggalan jaman. Jadi setelah dipikir-pikir, buat apa harus takut sama orang-orang kaya? Hahahaha.. Toh mereka sama-sama manusia ini, urusan kekayaan mah aku percaya rejeki gakan kemana XD