
The following is kinds of friends in my life, they probably also appeared in yours.
1. An easy-going, joyful lover
this one often appeared as long as I live. And I feel most suitable with this kind of friend. They will accept you just the way you are, laugh with you (this is very important for me) and they are easily doing crazy things. Once, I had a friend at junior high. She was fun and talk active. She used to lead her boy-friends in reading porn-books. Nuts, huh??

2. A very serious non talking friend
Have you ever had this kind of friend? They don't talk much, they like to smile when you talk to them and they only share tiny bits of their secrets. Oh yes, they are boring sometimes but they often remind you not to talk too much too!! What a contradiction.

3. A childish friend
This one is rare, actually, but they exist. They saw world from different point of view. They will pop up some 'strange ideas' in any place. But you will find that they are fascinating, to be laugh at (haha), they usually needed your guidance to know more about 'real world' (it doesn't mean that grown-up persons know everything).

4. A severe hard friend
This one always 'bark' in any place. Anytime. They usually angry at the very first time and thought later. Fuuh .. yeah I know they usually the kind of friend you will avoid. But to tell you the truth, this kind of friend is probably the most honest friend you have, cause they will tell you the truth right away.

5. A bizarre hard-to-understand friend
This one will make you confuse and in the end .. furious. They have their own things, totally different from others. But they are original, very pure. They don't want to get influenced by anything .. See why I thought they are original?

6. A very kind angel-heart friend
Well, this kind of friend will take you for granted. Whatever you are and how stupid or areless you are, they will still open their arms for you. This one is rare, of course but not hard to find.

So .. what kind of friend are you, my friend?

4 komentar:

  1. wah aku masuk tipe apa ya??? so yang pasti n yang bisa menilai diri sendiri paling jujur adalah keluarga, sahabat terdekat kita or orang lain yang berkecimpung dilingkungan yang sama dengan kita. Apapun komentar mereka tentang kita or kita tuh termasuk tipe orang kayak apa, terima saja.... karena hal itu semoga menjadi penggerak perubahan sikap kita yang awalnya orang lain bilang tidak baik menjadi baik. Namanya juga sikap so sikap tidak bisa berubah semudah membalikkan telapak tangan. Tapi orang yang gak mau berubah juga salah!!! makanya berjuang menjadi "Kuntum Khaira Ummati".......

  1. kalo menurutku sih, kita bisa mengetahui siapa diri kita dengan melihat bagaimana orang lain bersikap terhadap kita...lingkunganpun bisa membentuk pribadi kita, jadi... usahakanlah untuk berada di lingkungan yang bisa membuat kita lebih baik lagi n jangan bosan untuk terus memperbaiki diri...

  1. thanks for your comments, girls .. unfortunately you are not included in my list, cause it is only for human!!

  1. kirain aku yang no 1. joysoy lover.. uda ge-er ajah.. hahahaha :D