
Last month I watched this interesting film that I've been searched for a while. It was a touchy story entitled "August Rush". In the very beginning of the movie, the narrator said about how all souls in this world gathered in the sky and then God just send them one by one to parents on earth. Those souls became a baby that planted in a womb of women.

The opening of that movie made me wanna laugh and cry at the same time. This was exactly how I felt when I was a little. I used to think that God would planted me in different womb, another home.

It is not your fault if you don't agree with me. I know I am wrong. I have carried this burden for as long as I live. Maybe you all had a choice. But I don't. I never had any choices.

I know that choosing parents is definitely impossible. That is not a kind of privilege God would give to us. I, never question The Creator, until today. Just say that I am in the insanity-zone right now. Mind my thoughts.

But, as everybody said; God never wrong. It is us who's wrong. It is me who's insane. This is just another test. Again and again. I always sought for Your mercy Allah ...

So this is what you called, bad example of a divorce. Once you married, means that you are willing to take care of your offspring, not only your spouse. You can't just walk away after what you did, just because "some problem that your childen would not be able to understand".

I don't blame my parents to decide what they had decided. Maybe they would not be happy if they still stuck together. But I deserve for a choice, alright?? I was not asking for this, even in my teenage life when everything seemed so normal and forgiven. What if I am not happy with it? Have they been thinking about it?

I do have problems with the old woman now. I did have problems with her since I was grown up. And again, I asked myself same question; don't I have choice?

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